Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today is my official first day!

So I decided no more hiding behind the right Blog title and the right photos and all the other Blogging for Dummies that I have been doing for the last month and half.  I LOVE books and I LOVE sharing my joy of books.  I smell books and sit in book stores and even book fairs at my children's school and just smile.  I would love to share my ideas, my reviews, not just about books but about tea, and even a few other things. I am always asked what I think and what I suggest.  The decision came to me when my neighbor called and asked me what I would suggest for a teacher who was home sick and had lots of time on her hands.  I asked her why she called and she laughed and said I can't tell you how many people told me to ask you what book she would like and what we should get her.  She said.."You should get a blog or website to list your suggestions"....hmmm what a novel idea! So because this is my first post I am saying now this is a work in progress and please stay with me, I promise it will be a fun and interesting.  Tomorrow will be my first book review as I am just finishing the book tonight.  Thank you again for reading this and beginning my journey with me. Happy Reading!

 Enjoy a novel and Tea!
